My name is Christina Becerra and this is my blog! As I find hope and encouragement, my passion is to share it with the world so that maybe someone would be encouraged. The journey hasn't always "felt good", but I am thankful to say that the Lord has sustained me and spoken tenderly to me. My hope is that you would be open to His gentle whispers of steadfast love and peace as you walk through the valley.

June 15, 2011

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Mother Teresa

I absolutely love this quote.

Perhaps you could say I was born with the "short complex" and always wanted to do big things to prove that my little, petite, fragile frame would not be a reflection of the little impact I could make in people's lives. "Big" trips, speaking in front of "big" crowds, networking with "big" people... this is success, right? Well, perhaps in the world's eyes, but not God's. God cares more about our faithfulness rather than success. I'm not gonna lie though, feeding a hundred people in Cambodia this summer sounded way more glamorous to me than taking a friend out to dinner at the local pizza hut. But looking back, is it really the big things that matter, or the small things with great love that make the life-lasting impact? Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it's wrong to travel the world and feed hundreds, in fact we need those people! What I'm saying is that sometimes my heart gets a little ahead of itself rather than looking at the girl standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME who hasn't eaten in weeks because her pain is immeasurable and her brokenness has robbed her hunger. Little do I know that THAT MEAL at pizza hut was the first meal she had eaten in weeks. And little do I know that out of an overflowing love for Jesus is she able to feel loved for the first time in months. It's "feeding" just that one person when their world collapses, when they are out of hope, and when prayer feels nothing but more effort than life itself. When they need the comfort of Jesus at THAT moment and you can offer something substantial like prayer, faith & hope. It's "feeding" that one teen mom by letting her stay the night and loving until it hurts because that's how Jesus gave to us, except he gave to the point of death on the cross. It's "feeding" our time into the only relationship that matters on this earth, our relationship with Christ, and being fed moment to moment rather than "big" extravagant church trips. I'm thankful for a Father that is willing to adjust His daughter's heart to understand what he means when he says to be "faithful in the little things". I'm not gonna lie, I cherish the little intimate moments I have with God so much more than the big Christian concerts that leave me on a spiritual high until I go to bed. He is faithful in meeting me during the little moments in life, and I have been convicted of doing the same.

Are you trying to "feed a hundred people" when God has specifically called you to "feed just one"? Are you like me and sometimes forget to live in the day to day and live in the picture instead? If so, my challenge to you is to pick that ONE THING that stirs your heart for Jesus today and do it. Rather than doing a million things like "open bible, read devotional, sit in silence for 5 minutes, gives thankful prayers, give request prayers, do 5 acts of kindness... etc etc", focus in on that ONE THING that REALLY and truly stirs your heart and affection for Jesus. Maybe it's photography, painting, going to the park, writing a blog, rock climbing, hanging out with a younglife kid.. whatever it is that stirs and "feeds" your love for Him, I challenge you to do this..

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