My name is Christina Becerra and this is my blog! As I find hope and encouragement, my passion is to share it with the world so that maybe someone would be encouraged. The journey hasn't always "felt good", but I am thankful to say that the Lord has sustained me and spoken tenderly to me. My hope is that you would be open to His gentle whispers of steadfast love and peace as you walk through the valley.

December 18, 2009

First for errrthang.

So this is my first blog post- i'm really super-duper excited.
Today (well, technically yesterday) was also my first day of work - once again, still very excited.
And besides the fact that I committed "gluttony" tonight, i'm still feeling pretty great.
I would go on and blab more, but I have to get up early in the morning for work.. and I'm trying to act more like an "adult" and have "adult" tendencies rather than "teen" tendencies since I am turning 20 on February 9th and will no longer be given the "teen" excuse to act teen, but instead will be considered "immature". So this means, I have either 53 more days to go crazy and act "teen" - OR I can start now and build good habits (since it takes 40 days to make a habit, which leaves me 13 extra spare days to perfect my adult habits) and act like an adult SO by the time I turn 20, I will officially know how to act/be an adult. [1 minute later] Ok..... so I just re-read this entire blog and realized how idiotic I sound. I'm just going to blame it on the fact that it's 12:24am and I'm a bit delusional a.k.a. I need sleep. Goodnight, farewell, toodles.

ps- i just realized i used a couple major run on sentences. once again- it's late. the end.

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