My name is Christina Becerra and this is my blog! As I find hope and encouragement, my passion is to share it with the world so that maybe someone would be encouraged. The journey hasn't always "felt good", but I am thankful to say that the Lord has sustained me and spoken tenderly to me. My hope is that you would be open to His gentle whispers of steadfast love and peace as you walk through the valley.

March 8, 2010

That's it, i'm becoming a nun.

So.. when I was in 6th grade, I would always joke about wanting to become a nun when I grew up. Well, here I am at 20 years of age and literally have every hour of my day occupied with things that are worthy of occupying time... and it makes me wonder a little.. do I ever have time to pencil in a boyfriend? The fact that the word "boyfriend" hasn't even come to my mind because the thought of adding on another "priority" to the list just overwhelms me to the max. So if I don't have time to have a boyfriend, then this means I don't have time to get engaged (because I didn't nurture a relationship long enough to get to this point), which means I'm not getting married.. which means.. HELLO NUNNERY/CONVENT/BLACK ROBES. I mean, I guess it works out for me since I don't like wearing make up (and nuns don't wear make up). And I guess it also works for me because I love serving people and being part of the ministry (which is what nuns are all about). I guess I just didn't realize that me saying I wanted to be a nun in 6th grade would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.. I mean C'MON God! haha. OK, so maybe I won't go to that extreme and become a nun.. but seriously, lets look at it this way... the only free time I have is this:

A) When I go to the bathroom (which boys aren't allowed in there, so DEFINITELY NO)
B) During my alone time (there is no getting in on my alone time, even if I like you A TON. sorry. if you want me to be sane, I need to be alone.)
C) During class (but if you interrupt me all the time and cause me to fail, then lets just say we most likely won't be friends)
D) During contact work (but guys aren't allowed to be on the younglives team bc that would just be straight up creepy.. so yeaNO. & also that would probably just irritate me that someone is using contact work as a way to pencil in a date with me instead of focusing on helping people. Just sayin'.)
E) During Glee, American idol, or Teen Mom (probably not because this is a routine thing I do with my girl friends and you know a girl always needs her girl time..)

OK.. so maybe you think these are all excuses for not wanting to put aside time for a "special someone".. but to be honest, even if hypothetically speaking I wanted to have a boyfriend sooooooooo badly.. I just don't have time or really a desire at the moment. I'm at the peak of my youth and I kinda wanna live it up, ya know? I'm not writing this blog so that every guy can assume "BACK OFF", it's basically just a statement of what I'm all about and how I feel at this EXACT moment in life. Unless God opens up a door to a new relationship and makes it obvious that it is "time", then I will pursue it.. but to do things prematurely is honestly not worth it. And if he never opens up a door.. I guess i'll resort to being a nun...

no, but really.

Sister Christina.......

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