My name is Christina Becerra and this is my blog! As I find hope and encouragement, my passion is to share it with the world so that maybe someone would be encouraged. The journey hasn't always "felt good", but I am thankful to say that the Lord has sustained me and spoken tenderly to me. My hope is that you would be open to His gentle whispers of steadfast love and peace as you walk through the valley.

June 24, 2010


this summer has been insane. its been insane because i've been challenged in almost every aspect imagined. i love it though... because in all my circumstances, I can truly see God serving it to work for His good and His purpose.
A few things i've experienced:

- The battlefield of the mind. yes, the crafty ways that Satan tries to get into your head in subtle but powerful ways.. through professors who literally mimic your beliefs to your face (gotta love summer school haha), family that ask you "do you really believe all that bullshit?", friends that tell me "I miss the old christina, you know, the crazy fun one.. you're just too bibley now.." And it really hurts because i'm not gonna lie, i'm a people person who loves pleasing people... and this summer, that really hasn't been the case. I'm not exactly what people "love". But it's loving the unloving that has truly been put to the test for me, and this has only been possible through the power of the Word and the Spirit strengthening me.

- Humility. Yes, when you are 5 hours away from the ministry you lead.. you tend to become humbled because you realize that it isn't you who works in the heart of these girls, but that it's God. It's the power of prayer that truly matters in the end, not by me being at their beckon call every 5 minutes. I've known these girls for less that 5 months and I already feel like I'm practically related to them.. like they're my little sisters. I can't wait to be back in Fayetteville to spend more time with them.. but as for now, God called me to be here for a reason.

- Caring about the world. I've really been challenged in a way like never before this summer to pray for the world and missionaries. I have been challenged to invest in a worldly cause, whether its by donating to a missionary, starting an adoption savings, or something of that sort. I have been learning and reading about other religions so that i'm not completely naive when it comes to meeting people who share different faiths. My heart for lost people in general has just been burdened... and this summer, it's been especially burdened for the people in the 10'40 window.

- Investing in what really matters. For the longest time, I always put things, people and a lot of the time, guys, before my time with God. My sophomore year in college was a major priority check.. and this summer has been a true test to whom my heart belongs to. I can honestly say that anything that starts to slightly get in the way of my sight from Jesus.. I really reconsider if it's what I need to be investing in. My investment is in the kingdom.. and if that "thing" is not contributing to that, then I don't know what the point is. I know this all may sound super legalistic.. but I would beg to differ. It's just obedience. If it's right, then I will know. If it's not, then I obviously will know.

- considering others better than myself. my best friend Katherine is such a beautiful example of this. I've had so many conversations with her this summer about situations that just deal with "considering others more highly than yourself". to live it out with her is such an encouragement, and I am constantly reminded and convicted of this.

these are just a few things i've been experiencing lately. of course, I leave for camp here in a couple weeks so i'm sure a ton of learning will come from that experience in itself!

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