My name is Christina Becerra and this is my blog! As I find hope and encouragement, my passion is to share it with the world so that maybe someone would be encouraged. The journey hasn't always "felt good", but I am thankful to say that the Lord has sustained me and spoken tenderly to me. My hope is that you would be open to His gentle whispers of steadfast love and peace as you walk through the valley.

April 12, 2010


Change is really difficult for me for some odd reason.
I really wish I was born with the "yay I really really love change" gene..
but, I wasn't. Just like I wasn't born with the blue eyes, blonde hair & tall gene.
All this means for me though is that I have to trust God with my future.
I have to trust him with every aspect of my life, & trust that he has my best interest.
I love having to trust in a faithful God-- he's just not a person you can't trust.

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